Humanisthme ?

Humanisthme is committed to weaving authentically human connections, encouraging conversation between cultures, celebrating the richness of diversity, and promoting integration. In a world where extremisms, in their various forms, proliferate and evoke anxiety, we firmly believe that building bridges is preferable to raising barriers to counter the reductive tendencies inherent in various “isms”. 

Our missions


We offer tailored support for individuals, couples, and families through life’s significant thresholds. We firmly believe that important passages in life are meant to be celebrated and shared uniquely, reflecting your values and personal aspirations.

Marriage & Unions – Separation & Mourning – Rites of Passage (others)


We aim to be bearers of hope by promoting sacred activism rooted in social change and spiritual exploration, acknowledging that true progress occurs when individual consciousness harmoniously aligns with the pursuit of collective justice: reigniting the flame by combining social justice and inner exploration.

Enneagram – Masterclass – The Path of Yoga


Our goal is to rekindle the connection between human beings by providing information, articles, and resources to expand our consciousness.
We offer a variety of articles, a rich dictionary of expressions from around the world, books, films, as well as testimonials from previous ceremonies organized by us.

Media – Glossary – Resources – Testimonials

! Our upcoming events !

Path of Yoga
The fourth step : “Perseverance” of the journey begins on Saturday, December 9th!

Module 1: Introduction Day → Saturday, December 2nd, 2023.

Module 2: Deepening Weekend → Weekend of January 27-28, 2024.

For a world of fairness, respect, and inclusion

Humanisthme is a dedicated organization that promotes secular humanistic values, equality, reason, and inclusion. Our goal is to create a world where every individual is respected and valued, regardless of their religious beliefs or cultural background.

Through inspiring events, engaging conferences, and stimulating debates, we foster intercultural dialogue and advocate for secularism. Our vision is to build an enlightened society where compassion guides our interactions, and civic engagement positively transforms our reality.

Join us in shaping a future that is more just, fair, and open-minded.

Feel free to contact us, join the adventure, subscribe to our newsletter, or follow us on social media to learn more about our activities.

In the meantime, as long as we are among humans…
let us cultivate our humanity.

Seneca (around 45 A.D.)

Latest News from Humanisthme

Nyēin chān yēi | Unchangeable serenity

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From Humanitarian To Humanist

From Humanitarian to Humanist

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where…

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侘寂 | Wabi-sabi

Since the 15th century, this concept has inspired people to…

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स्वधर्म | Svadharma

The colourful indian tradition tells us about the relevance of…

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Some more pictures...

Humanisthme in numbers

Years of activism
Languages used
Celebrated ceremonies

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