The indisputable human need for rituals

People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.

Joseph Campbell, The power of Myth

On Our Mountains When The Ritual… Announces A Brilliant Awakening

On our mountains when the ritual… announces a brilliant awakening

At a time when our society is becoming increasingly de-ritualised, what landmarks remain to guide…

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Non-Muslim Ramadan

Non-Muslim Ramadan

Not eating during the day, it's not difficult," he begins once the waitress leaves. But…

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The last wish of being linked with Nature

Nuovi Riti Funerari In Svizzera

Nuovi riti funerari in Svizzera

Il cimitero non è più l’unico luogo di “dimora eterna”. Disperdere le ceneri nella natura…

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Switzerland, A Haven Of “new” Funeral Rites

Switzerland, a haven of “new” funeral rites

It is important to allow each inhabitant of this country to do whatever he or…

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By My Tree, I Rest Happy

By my tree, I rest happy

The forests of memories, an alternative to cemeteries and ash dispersal Nowadays, funeral rites are…

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Suíça é Palco De “novos” Rituais Funerários

Suíça é palco de “novos” rituais funerários

O cemitério não é mais a única e “ultima morada”. Dispersão de cinzas na natureza,…

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Publications & Contributions

Standing on a beach with a gun in my hand

How can one invest a present that seems to sputter? One possible way: to work on the notion of the interval, to reassert the spaces and the peculiarities so as to reassert the terms of a dialog with our histories, knowledge and practices. Such are the stakes of this black & white collective work. Here Jerusalem appears as the crystallization of the gap between languages, territories, civilizations, identities, histories and representations. It addresses a part of our European history.
A set of contributions (archive texts, essays, literary texts, iconographic analysis, art works, interviews …) by over thirty authors, scholars, writers, journalists, artists, Westerners, Middle Easterners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists, to explore the complexities of contemporary Middle Eastern reality.

Funérailles: Cérémonies sur mésure

La perte d’un proche inflige au cœur une profonde douleur. Tout comme le corps mobilise ses ressources quand il doit cicatriser une blessure physique, notre esprit met tout en œuvre pour permettre la cicatrisation de cette blessure psychique. Ce processus inconscient, indispensable pour préserver notre intégrité psychologique et émotionnelle, est ce qu’on appelle le « processus de deuil ». Loin de parler d’oubli ou de « tourner la page », le deuil permet au contraire la restauration du lien intérieur avec la personne aimée.

Jeltje Gordon-Lennox

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