Concepts from the world

Some languages contain inspiring concepts, that in others cultures are expressed by more than one word. They are interchangeable and they create a multiple identity, able to overcome the cultural borders as the string connecting humans all around the world. 

The different facets of human beings

ᖄᕐᑦᓯᓗᓂ | Stillness | qarrtsiluni

In Inuit culture, it is a term from the iñupiaq language that refers to a traditional ceremony. Every autumn, to…

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Σωφροσύνη | Temperance | sophrosyne

The Greek term σωφροσύνη (sophrosúnê) denotes a philosophical approach that exemplifies self-control, wisdom and moderation. Sophrosyne derives from the ancient…

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साधन | A means of accomplishing something | Sādhanā

It is a practice that expresses «a means of accomplishing something,» undertaken in the process of achieving a specific spiritual…

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إنسان | Human | Insān

It is interesting to note that the Arabic word for the human being is «insan,» which is derived from the…

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Nyēin chān yēi | Unchangeable serenity

Nyēin chān yēi evokes the image of a «peaceful, calm, and undisturbed» situation, which was first used in the golden…

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侘寂 | Wabi-sabi

Since the 15th century, this concept has inspired people to find beauty in imperfections, as a broader acceptance of the…

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स्वधर्म | Svadharma

The colourful indian tradition tells us about the relevance of acting in a way in accordance with your skills and…

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